Friday, October 14, 2011

#01 kambek!

assalammualaikum wbt....

ok it has been a year and 10 days kot i neglected this blog..hah ko siap BOLD itu.. choi! lame gile kot.. bkabung kape kn? im not meant to be a blogger kot.. kn? kn?

so aku nk mule merepek ape eh? seeeeeeeeeeee..... even dh sthun tinggal pun stil xtau nk nulih ape..klu umah la komfem dh bhantu kn.. hahaha ok xklaka..

ekceli byk jek cte yg comes in n out dlm mse sthun ni..'s some of the special event happend throughout these silent mode :

1. the MOST obvious changes in ma life is that im a MOTHER OF TWO now! woot woot! hehehehe yes, recently i just gave birth to a "BEAUTIFUL".. it's a girl yaw! a beautiful bb girl.. alhamdulillah now dh sepasang dh ank haku.. *shifty eyes* hehehehe she's now 2 months n 7days ..

2. so seconded by the 1st point aku ni bru jela nek kje.. bru seminggu.. oh m.a.l.a.s...

3. alhamdulillah sekarang masih fully bf..n still berusaha buat ebm buat pumping session in office..

4. oh i shall addressed my lil girl dlm ni sbgai Lil M.. took the capital for her second name..hehe sbnye first name die starts with A jgk..xbole xbole abgnye dh amek.. hehe

updates on Lil A

5. speaking of abg Lil M,which is Lil A..he's now 1year , 7months and 24 days.. dh beso dh ank mommy ni.. n siesly he looks like dh 2thun lebih kot.. sb tgi kot.. hehe

6. Lil A loves his adek very much.. sumpah.. stiap mse nk cium je kot.. n bole di harap.. sgt2 bsyukur.. cume pyhnye plak kojenye nk cium je adeknye.. cmne tu?

7. pandai turun katil gune kaki dlu mse umo die sthun 1hari hehehe

8. he walks steadily mase umo sthun 2bulan 13hari..gile precise x? hahaha eh pkembangan ank harus catat xkire di mne (tu pun klu xilang la ;p)

9. dh bole ckp certains words mcm nanak (tak nak), yayan (nak berjalan, eh mmg kuat bjln ank bujang aku ni), di (daddy), mi (mommy), nek (maktok), yayat (jahat) other than that die dh pandai menerima dan faham arahan la..pastu bile ckp nme2 ktorg die bole point to that particular person.. so bijak hehe ni mse sthun 3bulan cmtula..
skng ni dh pandai gune 2 perkataan skali.. cm xpyah, pi sket (tepi sikit)..and fews more lupela..this time around bile kite point kt sumone die dh bole mentioned who's that person.. cm klu point adek die die akn ckp ji.. yg pling klaka point kt mak aku die akn pgik "tuk" in slang mat saleh hahaha oh omel jek .. pastu dh tau ni brg sape, ni bju sape..klu mak tgh lipat bju ade bju aku nt mesti die point pastu ckp "mi nye" ..means mi punye..nmpk kunci kete mr.mafia die akn ckp "Di nye"..comel bukan? hehehe

10. pantang org nk kua mesti nk ikut..xbg he will cry his lungs out..gile geram..

11. oh skang ni suke breakdance.. hahaha mne tumpah kuah klu x ke nasinye ye x? he's following his daddy's footsteps ni.. a fresh bboy is born yaw hahaha klu ckp tjuk breakdance cepat.. nt mimik muke die mesti ade satu petennye pastu terbaring2la kt lantai smbil his legs will doing the moves.. gile in attitude tu hahaha

12. pantang dgr music je mesti truk bgerak je bdnnye.. xkirela kepale, pinggang, bdn.. klu duk kt carseat die die goyang2 perut n bdn la..ah omel lgi skali.. hehehe smpi klu azan or bunyi cine mampos pun die nk goyang2 joget.. eh org mngaji pun die nk goyang2.. kne tegur bru diam.. hah yg ni i must teach him to differentiate..buatnye kt majlis umah org ngah bce tahlil die bjoget kang ke naye namenye tu..

13. oh suke lori dh skang ni.. tgk lori xbkedip mate tu.. dlu taksub ngn motor.. skang motor ade jgk tp lori nombor satu la.. pastu dh pandai buat bunyi motor..klu tgh duduk ni die mesti nk selit blakang pastu smbil buatla bunyi ..wuuuuu wuuuu kengkonon nek motor la tu..

14. berat msih lagi dlm lingkungan 9.3 - 9.8 kg dukla tang tu jek.. heran jgkla sb mkn byk kot.. tp bdn xnek2 jgk..

updates on me

15. pregnant aritu mcm biase nek dgn jayenye.. last time mngndung Lil A cecah 72 kg kali ni kite up sket jd cecah 73kg ..hambek.. but skang ni dh berjaye kembali ke berat before preknen infact lagi kurang sket kot..ala 1kg less than before..tu pun nk heboh kn.. hahaha okla vangge ape.. wpun xbole nk dpt berat mse bru kwen dlu.. oh tu mmg kne verangan jela..xmungkin bole dpt dlu keding sgt..

16. kne gegate mcm haram kot.. geram from 2nd weeks of pantang smbil skang kot masih ade sipi2..kne mkn ubat atleast sebiji shari..klu x mesti rse merenyam n adela nek biji 2,3,4 kt tgn ke leher ke..pelikla when it will end.. memule nek kt kaki..pastu bdn then tgn pastu dekat nak abes2 pantang tu nek kt kepale..gatal gile kot.. pastu ko tau after 2days merdeka pantang tu die bole g tang muke.. horror kot muke sbnye mate yg truk skali kne attack.. mcm kaya ball dh.. ngeri tgk..sakit hati pun ade.. tp mse first day kne tu aku tetap ke jasko kn..n bestnye jenjalan dlm tu xpakai cemate itam.. abes sume org duk tgk..dlm hati gasakla.. time tu mmg xterpikir pun pasal bole cover ngn semate itam.. y la bongek sgt kn..klu org tgk mesti igt kes keganasan rumah tangga..dhla bjln ngn mak n ank2 je time tu,Mr.Mafia xde.. hahaha

17. kembali berkerje.. -boring-

18. oh daily routine dh pgi2 kne anto Lil M g bbsitter.. yg bestnye punch card dh xmerah dh.. awal dowh smpi opis.. hah yg ni mmg bole divanggekn .. wawawawawa..

updates on Mr. Mafia

19. Mr. mafia buat operation on his wisdom tooth.. sbulan lepas kot? ke lme sket dr tu Mr. mafia ade jmpe serpihan gg die.. gile ok..cmne pecah pun xtau..lepas tu die buat bodo jela.. until last week die punye sakit thp kronik dh.. kalau kasi rate dh cecah 10/10 dh.. sakit giler babeng.. tak tahan sgt tu yg g dentist. die sakit klinik tutup ke ape so postpone g klinik ari sabtu.. dh g sabtu tu the doc kate have to wait 3days before bole buat operation.. like what?? sndri xfhm sbnye kn ekceli dh tgu 3hari la kot since thurs kn sakitnye.. and yg bestnye doc kasi painkiller je n antibiotic..which cost him for rm60..crazy eh? ey ey ey, on thurs tu Mr.Mafia dh g klinik biase kot n dpt painkiller n antobiotic jgk pe but cost him dlm rm25 je.. pe beze.. bile mkn sakit jgk..nonsense btul ek.. so die g on monday tp xdpt buat xde slot for he went there again on tuesday after school.. setel jgk akhirnye.. now he's on a week porridges diet.. ksian him.. tp rase u dh hentam nsi jgk kn di? hehehe

20. i just loves him.. cliche? hahaha bio ar laki aku pe.. lalalalala

ckupla 20 je..ok next post pliss... hahaha thnxbai

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