Friday, October 14, 2011

#02 Pump it louder!

oh nk ngadu psl pam sbenonye... my breastpump doesnt works wonders skng ni ..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

xtau le pesal. ive been using it since Lil A dh 2months kot.. im using medela swing tu.. eh mmg mse memule gune tu rse high gile hahahaha hotak ko! haha die cume rse mmg relieves gile kot dr yg pureen batt operated tu.. mmg la best gile nk mams eh.. n dpt byk je kot.. tp gune pun 7bulan cmtu je sbnye bile dh conceived ngn 2nd bby dh stop dh buat ebm..Lil'A pun dh xnk mnyusu dh n my milk production drop truk kot.. pam pun xgune.. so aku bio jela smpi susu kering sndri.. n my swing rested in the box until i gave birth to Lil'M die kembali btugas smule.. tapinye..........................................................................

dah xbole gune batt.. dh bpe kali kot try xbole jgk..ok xpe kite gune karen jek.. hasil ebm mmg bgusla.. skali pam bole cecah 10oz cmtu.. eh tu kire best dlu xcmtu.. smpai la recently ni suction die mcm xbpe nk best la.. sumsing wrong sumwhere i guess. so i changed the white membrane yg kt valve die tu.. ade la perubahan but skjap je.. until..........................smlm.. mkin truk..oh no! gelabah puyuh aku.. mencarik la mne tpt tuk service pump tu.. takot motor nye rosak.. mne nk cekau wey tpt service kt jb ni.. ko cer pk..klu ngnto kt kl nun mestila kne bg kt derg motornye kn..dh tu time dh bg tu aku nk gune ape wey.. cos im in need of a pump for my daily usage..ade kt opis aku demam kang xbole nk pam.. bengkak kang bole kacau system bdn aku nt ni..

last2 smlm aku try contact seller tu smule..tye if she has any contact in jb tuk service.. and to my surprise she's willing to do the service for me and.........................she will send me spare motor tuk aku gune time die service.. walla naise gile ok.. hilang stress aku.. fuhhh! die kate nak send arini proly by tomolo aku dpt la.. sgt xsaba nk tgu motor lepas receive tu nt bru send motor aku kt die.. oh and die ade tye psl softfit aku tu ade rekah,koyak ke ape sb tu pun bole effect the suction.. aku check mmg nmpk mcm nye xdela tembus trus.. maybe sb tu jugak kot? so i just ordered the new softfit.. dh alang2 kn..

sgt xsabar nak tgu softfit baru n motor spare..motor skang ni nt kau masuk klinik eh.. nak kene check sakit kau ape..jgn meragam2 sgt eh..jadi xdela aku kne byr mhl..bole? hehe

on the other notes.. disebabkan suction kurang,makanya quantity ebm pun kurang.. uwaaaaaaaaa.... biase pagi bole dapat 7-8oz , ptg bole 5-6oz..sekarang pg dpt 5oz jek.. ptg dpt 4oz je tu pun bcinte jugak eh.. sedih tau.. pinjam bahu nak nanges bole? = (

cepatla sampai pnyelamatku...

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