Saturday, December 31, 2011

#05 last day for 2011


location : office bersama Lil'A

today is 31st December 2011..
last day for 2011...
sad? na...
2011 been a good year for me and family..

special events and celebration happens throughout the year..
on february - lil'A turns one..

on march - bandung holidays with big family on mil side..

on August - the most happiest month in 2011..i got to take 2months leave..ok thats on the minor part.. lil'M steps into our little family = ), she shares the same horoscope with her daddy, Mr.Mafia.. diff 3days only.. actually her edd was supposed to be the same exact date with mr.mafia's birthdate.. tp mummy cannot tahan and pujuk Lil'M kua awal.. hehe sorry dedi..

on August - still it's ramadhan kareeem.. n im on my confinement period during these fasting season.. nice bukan?

on september -  raya..and im on my confinement period lagi.. nice lg? -.-"

on November - raya haji dengan famili a.min.. (my bro) in nilai.. best la..this is the most farthest lil"M had travel.

on December - family vacation with our family on my side to anen and family, a.min n family, my lil bro, mak n abah in the group..akak and family and my youngest bro could not make it to the trip.. but nevertheless, i was happy coz it draw up a big smile on my mak's face... super nice = )

on December - marked our 3rd year anniversary = )  aishiteru Mr.mafia.. 3years of smooth sailing marriage with 2 lovely babies really completes us and i feel blessed = ) hope another 300years? ok drama.. hope we can fills in our marriage with lotsa loves, happines, and colors..i heart you baybeh.. 

rase macam tak banyak event, tp aku dah rase best sangat kot...
yang paling best mestila kehadiaran lil'M..
itu anugerah yang paling berharga buat aku dan family..
selain dari pengisian dari lil'A punye milestones..
tengok die belajar berjalan, bercakap, berlari, semuanye bole membuatkan aku terharu dan bersyukur atas kurniaan yang Die telah berikan pada aku..

aku bersyukur dengan achievements and happiness level tuk tahun 2011..
and berharap graf nye akan keep on going up pada tahun hadapan...
so long 2011...u never been forgotten..
and 2012 i welcome you with arms wide open = )

salam semua.. selamat tahun baru..

note: i find that my total post for year 2011 increased 2 numbers.. such an achievement kan? wahh vangge.. (bunyi bunyi mercun)

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